It’s time for high-quality, culturally relevant and inclusive preschool environments in Sub-Saharan Africa (S-SA). Accessible for all, with programmes that are affordable.
This is my dream. My vision is to reach 25,000 children a year.
In S-SA, it’s time for our own solutions that are not tainted by the colonial heritage present in a significant number of our nations.
My aim is not to throw the baby out with the bath water, but to build on existing best global practices and adapt them indigenously. Relying on locally honed talent and ensuring community buy-in as an integral part of the process.
This may not be something totally new, but it should be a more widespread model.
On too many occasions I have witnessed charities and nonprofits relying on external aid to prop up educational institutions in lower income nations.
What if there was a system that allowed us to reverse that trend, breaking the crippling reliance on external support?
So here I am with my legal mind, passion for Montessori and extensive experience coaching, leading and mentoring pre-primary educators. Join me as I figure this out. It’s not a one woman show.
Development at this level must be a joint effort, collaboration is key. Whether you are an expert educator of African origin living in sub-Saharan Africa, or living in the diaspora; let’s come together to make early childhood education something to look up to within our continent.
Setting trends that enable change and a break in the poverty cycle.
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Patricia Mezu | LL.M., M.A.Ed. | [email protected]
Founder Impact the Child; a subsidiary of Professional Minds.
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